
Friday, January 16, 2015

Bargain Bugout Bag #1- Harbor Freight

Whether you want to be prepared for an emergency weather evacuation, a cataclysmic disaster, a zombie apocalypse, or just like to collect and test survival gear and aren't looking to break the bank, Harbor Freight Tools (HFT) can be a great source for gear.

Here is a sampling of some of my personal collection of items from HFT:

These 15 items pictured above come at just about $65 (using FREE GIFT COUPONS, I paid around $50). HFT even has a 20% off Coupon, good on any single item, applied to the most expensive item below.

Starting top left and working counter clockwise, this is a summary of the items and the prices:

1.) Mechanic's Gloves- $3.99 . These are of pretty good quality, provide a good grip and are especially useful if in a cold weather environment.
2.) 27 LED Portable Flashlight/Worklight- $3.99 (FREE). This is one of the my favorite items and I have several throughout my house. Provides excellent light, has both a hook and a magnet, and the LED is much easier on the batteries. Every time these come up in a Free Gift Coupon, I make sure to take advantage.
3.) Duct Tape- $4.49.   It's Duct Tape. It can be used to repair a shelter or clothing, fashion a spear, can hold a flame like a candle, or substitute as rope in some circumstances (among MANY other uses).
4.) Magnesium Fire Starter- $2.79 . #2 is one of my favorite HFT items, but this one takes the cake. Very effective as it is compact and provides many great sparks. An absolute in any survival kit, regardless of budget.
5.) Stainless Steel Folding Knife- $4.99 . I was impressed with the overall quality of the knife. Good locking mechanism, convenient belt clip, and fairly sharp out of the package. Like most inexpensive knives, it requires regular sharpening.
6.) Multipurpose Scissors- $ 0.99 (FREE) I dont know how much you can say about scissors, especially $0.99/Free ones. But these are good for cutting rope or cloth without having to use your knife.
7.) 12" Bolt Cutters- $7.99. The practicality of having these may vary, but they are certainly helpful if you need to cut through fence or a lock or even tree branches.
8.) 1.25 lb Axe- $5.99. If you follow the link, the price is $7.99, but the HFT Ad that came in the Pennsyaver yesterday had this priced at $5.99. Hard to beat, as the axe is heavy duty and perfect for a kit like this. Like the knives, it does require regular sharpening (something I am only in the infantile stages of learning) but is very useful.
9.) Serrated Blade Machete- $5.99 . Depending on the climate in your area, you may or may not want to include this. Does not come off the shelf very sharp, but the serrated edge is a nice touch. Truthfully, this is not one of the HFT's best products.
.10.)50 Ft. Poly Rope- $1.99 (FREE). Must have rope/cordage in any survival kit.
11.)12" Pry Bar- $3.99 . This is another item that's usefulness may vary. But is good for gaining access via doors or windows or even prying up logs. I have found many uses for mine over the years and it is a good quality product.
12.) 100 ct. 11" Zip ties- $2.79 (FREE) I just threw these in because they are light, can be used in shelter rigging or improvising weapons, and were free.
13.) Mini Hack Saw- $2.50 . This item is not sold individually. It comes part of either the package linked here or with another hacksaw, which is $4.99. I prorated the price, based on an estimate of it's value and nothing more. I have found this to be a useful item, especially if you have limited pack space.
14.)Hunting Knife $9.99; $7.99 with 20% OFF Coupon . The hollow handle can present an issue, as the knife is not full tang, with I prefer for such an item. However, the handle contains a small survival kit, including fish hooks and some line as well as a sewing kit and a less than awesome compass Obviously, you can modify the contents as necessary. The knife itself isn't bad. The blade can take a good edge with some work and the saw back is a nice touch. The sheath has a belt loop, which is convenient, as well.
15.) 7'4" x 9'6" Plastic Tarp- $3.99 (FREE) . I have lost count (and track) of how many of these I have amassed over the years using the Free Gift Coupons. These can be used for shelter, water collection, etc. and are east to stow. More experienced individuals can probably make a decent rucksack from one, as well.

 One important thing missing here is a bag, as I have yet to purchase one from HFT, so I did not include one. As previously stated, the tarp could theoretically be used as a rucksack. The most important thing missing, in my less than expert opinion, is water storage. This Magnetic Parts Tray may suffice, and is only $2.99. But throwing an empty soup can into the mix could also work.

There are many other items you can either add or substitute available from HFT. Living in the Northeast US, I would likely exclude the machete and substitute this Slingshot , which could be useful for hunting small game. I would also add one of these Moving Blankets, which many times are featured a a Free Gift or are even less than the current price of $4.99 ($3.49 last weekend).

 Tailoring your kit to your surroundings is most important. I find the bolt cutters and pry bar a necessity given the unique Urban/Suburban/Rural dynamic that the Pittsburgh area provides. I live in an immediate suburb, northwest of town, and work southeast of the downtown area, but am about 10 miles away from farmlands and surrounded by heavily wooded areas in some directions and industrialized (or formerly industrialized and now depressed) in others.  There are abandoned warehouses that, if accessed, can provided much needed shelter and in some cases tools or other resources and having these items may help me gain access. This may not be the case for everyone and you may decide to substitute other items or just leave them out altogether.

Know your surroundings, know your capabilities and limitations, and be ready for anything.  

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